Mr Logic

CRank: 5Score: 51180

You haven't seen it in action. Consoles are weak and most of the time it's BS like RTAO, reflections at best. Minecraft path tracing, Metro Exodus, and the new CP2077 Overdrive are the games that demonstrate what can be done.

414d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Profitable is not the metric. It's what you could be making. Let me give you an example.

Let's assume pre-Gamepass revenue was $100M and expenses were $40M then that's a $60M profit, yes?

Now Gamepass revenue is $50M with $30M in expense. Non-Gamepass revenue is now $50M with $20M in expense. In a vacuum, Gamepass is profitable to the tune of $25M. Hell the whole division is profitable. But in reality due to GP the Xbox division is making $10M...

434d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. We already have a Black Panther game on the way from Amy Hennig's studio. Did everyone just miss that announcement?

434d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tell me you only play games on Gamepass without telling me you only play games on Gamepass.

439d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Evilnat 4.89.3

461d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not a bad deal. My little brother just recently started playing games and his favorite is sports. I bought him EA play for 1 year for $30. I would have spent more than that buying a copy of Madden, but now he has Madden, Fifa, RBI baseball, plus he's got access to games like Burnout Paradise and is starting to branch out.

463d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually it came out a year ago.

475d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not when MS positioned it as 1440p60 device.

495d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Imagine writing this with 0 knowledge of anything that you're talking about. Please explain how they would "transition" a 100W device into a 15W portable form factor.

495d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't work like that. Extra works just like Gamepass or Netflix. Once the game is gone from Extra, then you can't play it. It does not function like regular PS+ where you "claim" the game and then can play it in perpetuity as long as you have an active account.

496d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment


Steam natively supports DS4 and Dualsense along with configs. No need for DS4W.

497d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

No such thing as triple channel memory. If you have 3 sticks they're running either single channel or flex mode.

504d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You cannot assume that a PC will have a fast SSD so you compensate by pulling assets into RAM ahead of time. It's not that complicated.

504d ago 20 agree5 disagreeView comment

No, I don't have to, because I don't care about the fanbase whatsoever.

My first video game was Doom 2. A 3D video game. While I try to understand where people are coming from, no matter how hard I try, no matter how "groundbreaking" or "amazing", I have never clicked with a 2D video game. I have no problem saying something like Super Mario World is a great game for "one of those", but I will never say that I enjoy it.

536d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's not. I called this a couple years ago.

The PS5 SSD is used to stream assets because of the limited pool of RAM/VRAM. To achieve the same on PC you either need a similarly speced SSD, which isn't really an option, or you need to cache assets into RAM ahead of time.

540d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What? Ragnarok is the 9th game.

545d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Until consumers show that they give any fucks (lower sales), there is no incentive.

Nobody at Nintendo, or any of these corporations, is looking at the 1% of consumers complaining about visuals or framerate. They are looking at spreadsheet with units sold and dollar signs.

546d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Super Switch

546d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I semi agree.

The distinction I draw is that I don't think PS4 Pro and One X were underutilized, nearly every game saw improvements. Maybe not the kind of improvements you and I would want, but given the modest CPU bump there's really not much more to be gained compared to what we got. They were essentially designed to run the same games, at the same framerate, but with higher resolution. The fact that some developers tried to go for higher framerate is a bonus. <...

546d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS4 Slim and Xbox One S come out. SurginalMenace "Literally no performance benefits over the launch console, just a shameless money grab."

Something tells me you weren't saying the same thing.

546d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment